What we do
BASIC is a cooperative founded in 2013 that analyzes the impacts of production and consumption patterns on society and the environment, particularly in food and agriculture.
Our societies face many social and environmental challenges. The public debate on these issues is increasingly divisive, preventing the establishment of collective dynamics, which are the only way to bring about the changes needed to meet these challenges.
Our cooperative’s mission is to accelerate awareness and the emergence of collective solutions by linking different consumption and production patterns to the impacts they generate, in order to inform the choices of citizens, professionals, and public decision-makers.
We produce studies, online decision-making tools, and infographics.
Our productions can combine:
- an analysis of physical and/or monetary flows;
- a breakdown of value creation, costs and, ultimately, value distribution;
- an examination of key sustainability issues;
- a quantification of societal costs (public spendings towards a specific production system and the costs of social, environmental and health impacts caused by this production system).
Our theory of change is based on three levers of action that guide our strategy and activities:
- developing an innovative analytical framework and tools ;
- helping to raise awareness of societal issues among citizens and decision-makers;
- equip institutions and players in local and regional areas and industries.