On Tuesday, November 18th, Fair Trade Advocacy, Traidcraft, Fairtrade Deutschland and the French Fairtrade Platform launched their new campaign on the concentration of power in agricultural value chains, based on a research conducted by BASIC.
The event took place in the European Parliament, in the presence of Mairead McGuinness, Vice President of the European Parliament, Catherine Stihler, Vice President of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), Claire Bury, Director of Services (DG Market and Services) and Olivier De Schutter, former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food.

This event gave us the opportunity to present the conclusions of our report “Who’s got the power”, which provides evidence on the growing concentration of power in agricultural chains, and on the negative impacts it generates on the living conditions of farmers & workers, on the environment and ultimately on consumers’ interest. Our study also demonstrates that unfair trade practices stemming from this growing concentration of power are systemic (and not accidental as has often claimed).
A special thank to Olivier De Schutter who accepted to write the preface of our report!
You can read the study here.